Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We're Here !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The gray life, whether we are actually gray headed or not, the boomers have been around long enough to say we have pretty much seen it all, done it all, had it all done to us, tried it all, or know someone who has seen, done, tried, been tried by it all.

NOW WHAT!!!! We grew up in an extremely different time, no locked doors, no identity theft, no cell or digital anything. Remember when most people worked 40 hours a week? We had real heros, no steroids, everything seemed affordable, even health insurance.

So as I'm living the gray life, I'm very aware that it's so different from the life our parents had. I remember as people retired in my neighborhood, their lives got slower and easier, sure they too had a limited income during retirement, but I don't remember the panic we see today in the group already retired or our group, about to retire sometime in the next few years.

So here we are, living in an extremely unusual time, looking forward to a new and different time in our lives, when we can really enjoy whatever our personal pursuits may be. But............there are strings attached, like coping with the uneasy economy, sky high utility bills, almost unaffordable healthcare, global confrontations where anyone can reach out and "touch" someone at will, and on and on and on.

AHHHHH.........Livin the gray life !!

Big T.

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